There’s definitely something to be said for having a good education. After all, you wouldn’t have gotten where you are if you hadn’t obtained your degree right?
So why stop there?
If there’s anything the current economy has taught us, it’s that good paying jobs are still hard to find. Even more difficult than finding a job is for recruiters to fill the good paying jobs that ARE out there. Part of the difficulty comes because unskilled jobs are being taken up by nearly anyone and everyone in search of a job. The other part of the equation is that employers are being choosier in their search for qualified people.

Copyright Nihan Aydin
If you’re concerned about finding yourself in the unemployment line, or if you’re standing there now, continuing your education could be the answer to staying employed and staying qualified for the jobs you want regardless of your current employment situation.
Many colleges and universities are reeling from the economy right now. For example, Oberlin college, a highly prestigious arts and sciences university, lifted their rigid enrollment and acceptance process. Enrollment is down for colleges and universities across the United States as schools are forced to realize that parents simply don’t have the money to send Bobby and Sally off to school. Rather than look at the downturn in enrollment as a disadvantage, schools are focusing on the displaced worker and those adults in need of continuing their educations in order to obtain the jobs they want or to keep the ones they have.
Many schools are offering incentives to those looking to take continuing education classes, and many companies are offering the same. In a time when jobs are coveted, job seekers and employees alike can benefit from the opportunities continuing education classes bring.
Many colleges and universities offer certificate programs that can be earned in a few short weeks. By taking classes or participating in a certificate program, other career doors can open to you. If you stay educated, you will continue to be a commodity employers want on their team.
A couple of quick points about using continuing education to further your job hunt or career:
- People who complete continuing education courses will have an increase in their salary.
- Continuing education can help you make a career change while staying at your current company or organization.
- Completing a certificate or training program through a continuing education course makes you more marketable to other companies during a job search.
Even if you’re making a lateral move within your organization, you may still require some training to make yourself desirable as an applicant. Don’t rule out certificate programs or classes to help you make the switch.
In these rough economic times, it’s in your best interest to make the most of the opportunities presented to you in order to get the job you want as well as to keep the job you have.
Last updated on October 9th, 2009 at 02:11 pm