What Your Resume Is Saying About You – It’s Not Looking So Good…

by | Dec 17, 2009 | Job Seekers

flip flopsWould you go to an interview dressed in shorts and flip flops? I certainly hope not. If you would, seriously… STOP. My point is this:  Because you concern yourself about your first impression at an interview, you wear the suit or the nice professional career clothes, right? So, if you are worried about that first impression, then why aren’t you worried about the one your resume makes?

It’s really tragic how many truly talented professionals and executives on the market have great expertise and can completely WOW in an interview, but they can’t get in the door to do so because of their resumes.

Let me be rather blunt for a second if I may. If you are using an objective statement in your resume, and you are not a recent graduate – then I’m talking to YOU. If you are an Executive (VP, Owner, Partner, Director, Senior Manager, C-Suite), but you are not utilizing a professional branding statement and Executive presentation strategy, then I am talking to YOU!

Executives, hear me out – if you want to be PERCEIVED as an Executive, then your resume needs to LOOK, SOUND AND READ Executive. Yes, there is a completely different strategy to an Executive level resume than to a professional level resume. In addition to your different level of expertise, you have different demands and expectations placed on you. Therefore, your resume presentation should be different. When a hiring manager views your resume for the first time, it should communicate you as an Executive.

I cannot hit this point home any harder or clearer: You are judged by the first impression your resume gives – that first impression is your presentation, and it is critical! If your resume is a mess, outdated or boring, then guess how you are going to be perceived?

How do you want people to perceive you? Do you want them to see you as accomplished? Successful? A leader in your industry? Then your resume must communicate as much, and the first place that communication starts is in your format/presentation. Be strategic about how you put together your resume. NOTHING should be arbitrary.

You cannot keep plugging along believing a mediocre resume will get you by. You have options. I suggest you step your resume up a notch, or hire a professional who can.

As CEO of Great Resumes Fast, Jessica Holbrook enjoys collaborating with forward-thinking professionals and executives, identifying their personal brand and value proposition and leveraging their unique talent, passion, and vision to position them as a leader in their industry.  Her passion is helping professionals and executives uncover what makes them stand out in the crowd.

Last updated on March 16th, 2010 at 12:04 am


