I sometimes wish I had some magic to offer my clients. If only there were a simple answer or a one-size-fits-all solution to the job search, then we would all fly away on unicorns into a bright, beautiful future. Obviously, few of us have a rainbows and butterflies experience with the job search.
Contrary to such an idealized job search story, more often than not, we find ourselves listening while a colleague complains about a challenging search. You feel compassion for the struggle, and you reach out to help. You make suggestions of whom to contact, what to say and where to look for additional information. Two weeks later, you see that colleague and ask for an update. Eventually, it comes out that people you suggested to call were not called. In fact, the colleague did not even bother to look up the website you advised as the complete source of non-profit job listings (www.execsearches.com, of course!).
You silently sigh and look away. You don’t know what to say. You are frustrated with your colleague ignoring your efforts to help. Perhaps you’re even frustrated with yourself for reaching out to be of assistance. Distance seeps into your relationship.
Now step back.
Realize that this is what we do to ourselves in our job searches. We have a great idea, we get excited, and we decide to implement our plan. We hear of a super website, networking event, resource or person to call, and we hesitate. We hesitate for myriad reasons which are and are not important. That great idea floats away, and with it floats our courage and, sometimes, our self-respect.
One who wants to do something will find a way;
one who doesn’t will find excuses.
Taking action makes you stronger – always. Yes, we have reasons we fail to take action, and many of those reasons are perfectly valid. However, those reasons do not obviate the need to take action. Whatever excuses you have used and upon which you have relied, set them down now. You want this new job. Find a way to get it.
Keep a notebook with each great idea you have or is suggested to you. Keep those ideas in one place so that when you have the next 5 minutes available, you can take action on a single component.
Each day, log your actions toward your new job. List all actions, big and small, that you take toward your goal. Regularly review those actions to see your progress. This is a great way to boost your motivation on days when you get down, but don’t wait until a down-day to review your progress. Review progress each week or each day to maintain motivation and to avoid down-days.
List your excuses. Once visible, their absurdity is immediately evident. We have all found it far more important to finish a game of solitaire than to send the next resume or make the next call. Bring your excuses into the light of day, laugh at them, and move on.
Post motivational quotes where you will see them; carry an inspiring quote in your pocket to remind you to move forward now.
Action may not always bring happiness;
but there is no happiness without action.
Benjamin Disraeli
Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage.
If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it.
Go out and get busy.
Dale Carnegie
There is always an action that can be taken now. So, take it. Then, log that action on your Completed Actions list, and watch how your action becomes the formerly elusive magic wand.
Career consultant and author Leah Jackman-Wheitner, Ph.D., specializes in helping professionals address their career issues to improve their lives. Dr. Leah has invested the last eight years consulting and coaching professionals, focusing on increasing her clients’ self-understanding during career transitions. She may be contacted directly by email at leah@confidencebook.com or by telephone at (812)350-0306.