Q&A: Can I Submit a New Cover Letter During the Application Process?

by | Oct 30, 2012 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers | 0 comments

Nonprofit Mission Connected Careers, Recruiting & Job Search | Q&A: Can I Submit a New Cover Letter During the Application Process?Q: I submitted a resume and cover letter for an Executive Director position in July.  The organization starts interviews in November.  I just redrafted my cover letter based on additional information I have learned in the interim.  What should I do?  Do I submit a second cover letter? Will this help or hurt my application/chances?

A: Given the time lag between July and November, submit an updated cover letter. Include a note stating you have had more time to think about the ways in which you could add value to the organization and/or you have conducted additional research and wanted to send another letter of interest better reflecting your current thinking.

To be absolutely certain that it is acceptable to send another, you may want to contact the recruiter running the search or the search committee chair person to confirm.  But, unless there is some extraordinarily rigorous process requirement, I cannot think of a solid reason why the second letter would be rejected.

That being said, make very sure the second letter is vastly improved, typo free and on point.  Ideally, it will state your case for candidacy in compelling terms, relate to the criteria in the position description and add other pertinent details about your background, accomplishments and interest making you a highly attractive candidate.  Because you seek an Executive Director role, references to your fundraising, board management and community relations ability is often relevant even if it is not explicitly mentioned in the position description.

Contact Karen Alphonse at Karena@execSearches.com or visit ExecSearches.com for more information about our career coaching services.

ExecSearches.com is a job board for nonprofit job seekers interested in fundraising, management and executive nonprofit jobs.

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