Is It Too Soon To Leave My Current Position?

by | May 14, 2013 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers | 0 comments

Nonprofit Mission Connected Careers, Recruiting & Job Search | Is It Too Soon To Leave My Current Position?Question:  I have been preparing myself for leadership for quite some time and am constantly looking for great opportunities.  I have identified an Executive Director position that looks like a “dream job” for me.  Is the fact that I have been a Chief Operations Officer here for less than a year a hindrance to taking on an Executive Director role at this time?

Answer:  Provided you have not been skipping and jumping from job to job and that you have a least two prior positions in which you stayed for at least 2 to 3 years, I would say go for it if you can manage the responsibility.  Many employers still value longevity, loyalty and the growth which comes from growing within an organization for a decent period of time.  But, these days, staying in the same place for a number of years isn’t universally revered like it used to be.  So, when opportunity knocks, have the courage to step forward and take on the new challenge.

It also sounds as if you have been doing your research all along.  Go the extra mile to learn about the organization and to find out why the prior Executive Director has moved on.  This kind of data will give you clues as to what you will need to do to succeed.  When you are granted an interview, take note of what is said and also of what is not said.  Organizational leaders are not going to tell you everything you need to know to make an informed decision.  They will, however, give you important clues.  Every hint is valuable and you want to go into the role with a balanced view of how to succeed.

If this is your “dream job,” and you feel adequately prepared to deal with it, then go for it.

Contact Karen Alphonse at or visit for more information about our career coaching services. is a job board for nonprofit job seekers interested in fundraising, management and executive nonprofit jobs.

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