How Do I Overcome So Much Rejection In My Job Search?

by | Jun 4, 2013 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers | 0 comments

Nonprofit Mission Connected Careers, Recruiting & Job Search | How Do I Overcome So Much Rejection In My Job Search?Question: I am feeling a strong sense of rejection.  I keep submitting applications, and then I hear nothing.  It has been difficult keeping an upbeat spirit when I translate no news as bad news.  What do you suggest?

Answer: Rejection has a number of faces.  Sometimes, it means the application was not “good” enough which could have to do with many factors beyond base credentials.  It could have to do with timing, urgency of the hiring process, an absence of internal candidates and/or compensation guidelines just to name a few contributing factors. (If you actually interview, factors of your presence or interviewing skills can come into play diminishing your base credentials, too.)

Being rejected does not always mean you are failing, faulty or somehow deficient. It sometimes means you are over-qualified. Candidates in this position also experience huge amounts of rejection even though their credentials and backgrounds exemplify excellence.  Compare your qualifications versus what is required for the positions for which you apply, and determine if you have more to offer than prospective employers seek.

During this process, keep in mind that some rejection can also be a blessing in disguise.  Right now, your end-goal is to get a job, and that is where you are focused. However, not every organization is a good “fit” for every candidate. It does happen that candidates are hired only to later discover a lack of congruence between their skills and/or personalities and the workplaces. Should that happen to you, you will not be happy. It is a painful process to not only recognize the incongruence but also to get out of it. Allow yourself to consider that a longer process is worth ultimately landing the role right for you.

To counteract the negativity that comes from submitting repeated applications and not getting the kinds of responses you want, do everything in your power to affirm yourself.  This may include exercise, spiritual practice and frequent review of your strengths and accomplishments.  In the current job market (which, by the way, is still difficult to navigate), many leaders are having a challenge locating the kinds of opportunities that lead to personal and professional growth.  Take heart.  Do not take the silence too personally, and forge ahead knowing the right employer will identify your upside and hire you for a dynamite role.

Contact Karen Alphonse at or visit for more information about our career coaching services. is a job board for nonprofit job seekers interested in fundraising, management and executive nonprofit jobs.

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