Traits Of Strong Board Members

by | Dec 7, 2015 | Advice, Featured | 0 comments

Strong organizations require strong Board members especially as millennials turn to careers in environments that support a social mission.  Nonprofit organizations have a real opportunity to capitalize on this influx of young, passionate, potential hires. Before looking for talent, your organization has to rest on a solid foundation; its Board is key in this regard. A piece by Cheryl L. Dorsey in The Huffington Post outlines three traits to look for and foster in a good Board member:

  • Wisdom: Wisdom is born out of a strong foundation of education and experience; from there comes good judgement. In order to maximize growth, it is essential to provide hands-on opportunities within the Board so members can build upon their knowledge, thus contributing in educated, insightful ways.
  • Work: Most new entrepreneurs have to delegate. Board members must be prepared to jump into difficult situations, and, at times, wear different hats to support the organization.
  • Wealth: Fundraising support is often required of Board members. It is essential for each member to be willing to provide insight, resources and access to networks to support the fundraising efforts of the organization.

Keeping the three W’s in mind while recruiting for a Board can make the difference between a Board ready to adapt through decisive, calculated changes and a group of bright minds unable to move forward.

Dorsey, Cheryl L. “What It Takes to Build Good Board Members.” The Huffington Post. Inc. 12 June 2015. Web. (10 Aug. 2015) is a job board for nonprofit job seekers interested in fundraising, management and executive nonprofit jobs.


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