Q&A: Do I need a cover letter for my job search?

by | May 15, 2019 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers | 0 comments

Nonprofit Mission Connected Careers, Recruiting & Job Search | Q&A: Do I need a cover letter for my job search?

Question:  Do I need a cover letter for my job search?  It seems that many companies are hiring direct off the Web with only a resume.  Is a cover letter just a waste of time?


Although certain companies – mostly in high-tech industries – do not require a cover letter, many still do.  Particularly for senior roles.  They want to see how you express your thinking, level of organization and commitment, expressed in a few short paragraphs.  They want you to show that you know how to synchronize operations, staff, the board and stakeholders successfully.  At other levels, the cover letter can be useful.  Even if you never send one out, the cover letter provides a way to organize your pitch, focus and sell your skills.  Many of our clients complain about the lack of inspiration they feel when it comes to drafting their cover letters.  This is no accident.  If you are at a cross-roads, lack purpose or do not particularly want to work at an organization, this will all come out when you try to write a cover letter.  Lukewarm energy will not play well.  Indecision will make you sound wishy-washy.  It will show if you have no affinity for the mission or goals. From this space, the cover letter becomes a litmus test of your “fit” and commitment.  

What does it take to create a compelling letter?  

Growth, persistence and vision make cover letters memorable.  In addition to listing or mentioning core skills and accomplishments, the best cover letters point you towards the future.  They hint at new areas for growth, exploration and greater contribution.  They show your interviewers that you have thought about the position and that you really mean business.   They tend to be direct.  They tell a story about your career that is interesting, maybe humorous, and show a bit of your personality.  You will know when you have drafted one that works because people who know you well will say, “that sounds just like you.”

Even if you never send a cover letter out, it can be a healthy reminder of past accomplishments and future goals.  Many candidates read their cover letter drafts to prepare for interviews. Each great letter captures the essence of who you are as a professional. So, instead of wincing or avoiding the task, next time you apply for a position that really means something to you, sit for a while with the position description, imagine what the organization wants, picture yourself in the role and then respond by telling how your story applies to current challenges.  Be honest about your journey without dwelling on unpleasant facts and circumstance.  Show how willing you are to learn, how you mentor and develop others and commit to a vision with your energy and enthusiasm.   This kind of letter will earn you an interview and can be the ticket to your next Dream Job.   

Last updated on March 9th, 2021 at 12:48 am


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