TEAM: The True Test of a Leader

From my experience working with leaders of all kinds, I have noticed many different styles and approaches can be effective depending on the context, situation, organization or personalities involved. But, there seem to be four essential characteristics that always need to be present. Even those who do not have an official title or leadership position can lead “from the seat” if demonstrating these qualities.

How fitting that the first letters of each quality form the acronym TEAM since the ability to create a sense of team is the gift of the most outstanding leaders.

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A Leadership Fable: The 5 Wise Bushes

The dog days of summer are upon us. Work – or seeking work – must continue, but we would rather be sitting under a tree or playing in the water. It is hard to feel stressed, overwhelmed or under pressure when the temperature is hovering around ninety degrees. Instead of fighting it, why don’t we use this lethargic time to review where we are and where we are going. Take a walk with me into a shady spot where you can refresh your thinking, slow yourself down, and, perhaps, emerge revitalized and a little more energized to tackle the challenges you are facing.

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Independence and the Leadership Alphabet

Independence Day got me thinking about the meaning of the word independence, which led me to wonder if I could come up with a strong, positive leadership trait for each letter of the alphabet. Here is my unscientific, yet empirical, list of qualities consistently demonstrated by leaders I admire

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Is Innovation in Your DNA?

Are you one of those people who gets excited by new ways of doing things?  Or, do you get frightened and prefer to stick with the tried and true?  Does your organization management constantly try to look around corners and make pre-emptive changes in anticipation of...

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Does your Career need Defragmentation?

We may not all be technologists, but we can certainly learn from some of the insights and observations made by leaders at the conference. We might even try applying some of their thoughts to our own situations.

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