7 Pernicious Myths about Performance Management

Here are seven of the most pernicious myths about Performance Management. The first four exist in the minds of managers, and the last three reside in the minds of employees.

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Start Your New Year Career with a Bang

The New Year is always filled with tips for a fresh start for your career. But, what if you are not in the mood for all of the wholesome advice coming your way at this time of year? What if you are fed up with your situation, but an artificial date is no reason to believe that things will get any better? What if you just felt like complaining and were allowed to vent about everything you don’t like about your work or lack of it?

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Your Career Planning Checklist – Thoughts for the New Year

No matter how senior you are in your organization or how secure you believe is your position, you would do well to take an entrepreneurial attitude toward your career. It is comforting to believe others will take care of you, and it’s easy to become either complacent or too busy to pay attention to yourself when there is so much work to do. But, there are new habits and skills you should be adopting to ensure you remain in charge of your own professional growth and career development.

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