The Secrets Of a Marketer: How Enrollment Skills Can Help You Land Your Next Job

One applicable concept is The Art of “Enrollment”, which is the ability to persuade or influence others that what you have to offer is the answer to their problems.

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Seven Reasons For Working With a Coach

Readers of this blog probably fall into one of the following categories: -       you are actively looking for a new position -       you are considering the next stage of your career -       you are looking to hire someone for your organization -       you lead an...

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The Science of Happiness

Mindful of accusations of naivety or over-simplification of the human condition, Dr. Fredrickson does not deny the necessity of negative emotions. But, she has shown that the ratio of negative to positive emotions is about 1 to 3 if we want to navigate effectively through life. So, if you find yourself feeling frustrated or angry, you need to compensate by having three positive emotions to avoid each bad feeling dragging you down.

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