Back to Basics – Resume Design for Nonprofit Professionals: How Long Should a Resume Be?

Back to Basics – Resume Design for Nonprofit Professionals: How Long Should a Resume Be?

How long should a resume be?  From my experience, even the most seasoned professional can present themselves effectively in 2 pages. I’ll sometimes include a third page for an abbreviated bibliography, including relevant publications and/or academic appointments.

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Back to Basics – Resume Design for Nonprofit Professionals: How Long Should a Resume Be?

Back to Basics – Resume Design for Nonprofit Professionals – Part two: What Not to Include in your resume

In part one of our series on resume design for nonprofit professionals, we got into what you accomplish by putting together a good resume and the necessary areas to include. In this part, we’re going to look into what sections aren’t necessary.

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Back to Basics – Resume Design for Nonprofit Professionals: How Long Should a Resume Be?

Back to Basics – Resume Design for Nonprofit Professionals

A resume is the foundation of your job search and your entre to an interview.   Simply put, it’s the story of your career, and you want to make it so interesting that the person reading it wants to know more.  Make your case – why are you the best possible candidate?

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Q+A:  Are LEGGINGS, JEANS, and CARGO PANTS acceptable in the nonprofit workplace?

Q+A: Are LEGGINGS, JEANS, and CARGO PANTS acceptable in the nonprofit workplace?

Generally, dress codes have relaxed quite a bit since COVID.   ZOOM and other video platforms have introduced a whole new way of approaching business meetings.  The focus on the camera makes the shirt, jacket, or top a focal point.  Thus, people have developed a two-tier approach to dressing:  professional on the top and decidedly casual on the bottom. 

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Q+A:  Are LEGGINGS, JEANS, and CARGO PANTS acceptable in the nonprofit workplace?

Q+A – Once new hires arrive, how can our nonprofit organization ensure all receive similar advancement opportunities?   

The biggest gift you can give your DEI hiring program is a strong training series within your organization. You see, training circumvents the social and personal factors that make it hard for those who are perceived as “different” to advance. 

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True diversity demands that we step beyond habitual boundaries and thought-forms.  We need to recognize and act upon the reality that MOST of the world does not think and operate the way “WE” do – whatever your “WE” might mean.  Moreover, the best ideas may not come from “US.”  To step boldly into the future we are creating together, we will have to relinquish the pieces of our framework that no longer serve us.  We will have to repurpose our ideas and truly embrace change.  Deep change. 

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