Focus on accomplishments, money and mission. By accomplishments, I mean anything that pushed your organization ahead and for which you can honestly claim ownership.

Focus on accomplishments, money and mission. By accomplishments, I mean anything that pushed your organization ahead and for which you can honestly claim ownership.
Serving as the leader in a nonprofit is a rewarding role, and many nonprofit executives choose to remain in their role for years. However, whether through planned retirement or through unexpected changes in the organization, every executive role will eventually need...
In recent years there has been much discussion about income inequality in the United States. The pay of CEOs has increased drastically while the wages of ordinary workers have stagnated, going from a 27-to-1 ratio in 1980 to an 87-to-1 ratio in 2016 (Fortune). This...
Lawsuits and liability claims have developed a fairly negative reputation, and it’s true that hardly anybody wants to go through the time, trouble of an unnecessary legal process. That being said, lawsuits serve a meaningful purpose. They help to protect the rights of...
Lauren Danziger serves as the Executive Director of the Meatpacking Improvement District, a nonprofit serving the historical Meatpacking District neighborhood in Manhattan. This role supports the financial development of the neighborhood through the management of...
While the world of nonprofits is known for favoring altruism and the public good, all employees still expect to earn fair compensation for their labor. When it comes to interviewing for a nonprofit position, the topic of salary and compensation is an understandable...
Gaining membership in a board of directors is a complex process. The board, whether in a non-profit context or a corporate context, requires individuals of leadership and stamina, individuals willing to devote significant time and resources to the advancement of their...
For young people in the United States, finding a career path after college can be exciting, daunting, and frightening. For one, it bears with it the question of whether all the time and money spent on education was worthwhile. Additionally, many young people feel that...