What ‘Entrepreneur’ Really Means

What ‘Entrepreneur’ Really Means

In a world of fast fixes and articles that focus on a “get rich quick” business angle, Stephen Key offers his version of the tell-it-like-it-is breakdown of what it means to be an entrepreneur in his article, “11 Truths About Being an Entrepreneur.” Key, a 30-year entrepreneur, offers insights helpful to all new entrepreneurs.

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Attracting Millennials To Your Workplace

Attracting Millennials To Your Workplace

There is encouraging news for nonprofits. Millennials, (twenty-something to thirty-something year olds) often seek alignment to a cause while defining their career choices. Organizations that are cause-based definitely have the advantage when Millennials shop for jobs.

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Key Distinctions Between a Leader and a Manager

Key Distinctions Between a Leader and a Manager

Asking the difference between the definition of a leader and of a manager may seem redundant. After all, the two roles have overlapping responsibilities and requirements. In an article written by James Kerr, it is noted: “There’s a difference between leadership and management. Leaders look forward and imagine the possibilities that the future may bring in order to set direction. Managers monitor and adjust today’s work, regularly looking backward to ensure that current goals and objectives are being met. The best leaders lead and let their management teams manage the work at hand.”

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Reference Check

Reference Check

Question: Our company is about to hire a new COO who will manage the whole finance department. We want to be very sure she has strong interpersonal and technical skills. We have spoken to all of her listed references, and, while they have been off the charts, I want to be absolutely certain we cover our basis. What do you suggest?

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Lonely at the Top

Lonely at the Top

Question: I am at the top of my game having just been promoted into the CEO role at a major corporation. Yet, I am feeling strangely dissatisfied and lonely despite my professional accolades. It seems as if I attend meeting after meeting and as if I am not connecting with my staff. Am I missing some important clues?

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The Difference Between Kind and Nice

The Difference Between Kind and Nice

Question: I struggle to be the kind of boss my employees will respect and like. But, I am often confronted with shoddy work, poor employee attitudes and mistakes that shouldn’t be happening. What I am supposed to do? Can I continue to be nice while things fall apart?

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Management Under Review

Management Under Review

Q: How can you tell good managers from bad ones? What sets them apart?

A: No one deliberately sets out to be a “bad” manager. Therefore, I would reframe the question as one that focuses on a leader’s effectiveness.

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