Preparing To Negotiate Your Salary

Preparing To Negotiate Your Salary

Any negotiation can make a person bristle or raise blood pressure. In fact, how many people admit they’ll do anything to avoid having to negotiate, haggle or even ask for anything? And, don’t we tend to sit back in awe of those who seem to have the guts to do it? But, is it really that these people have nerves of steel? Or, are they simply armed in ways others could be but aren’t? This is an important issue when it comes to negotiating a salary. So, when you’re in the position to talk money, make certain you are prepared.

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Taking the Fear Out Of Job Seeking Over 50

Taking the Fear Out Of Job Seeking Over 50

If you’re older than 50 and looking for advice to approach your job search, there are plenty of resources online to get your mental wheels in motion. After reviewing a variety of readings, I found Kerry Hannon’s article, “The 11 Biggest Mistakes Older Job Hunters Make” as having some particular thoughts I think deserve some extra attention. Click here for her full article, but I wanted to list a few of the standouts from it.

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You Know To Network, But Do You Know How?

You Know To Network, But Do You Know How?

Of all times the word networking really hits one’s ear, it is when it is used in conjunction with looking for a job. The word alone tends to evoke an emotional response. Those energized by the idea might enjoy talking with people, but they aren’t necessarily effective networkers. Conversely, those intimidated by the very notion of reaching out can be very successful at it. Instead of approaching networking by taking a deep breath, extending yourself and hoping for the best, make sure you first understand how to implement the process. Paul Bernard offers his thoughts on that very topic in his article, “6 Tips For Networking Success.”

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Maximize Your Company’s Exposure By Partnering With the Press

Maximize Your Company’s Exposure By Partnering With the Press

It’s human nature to gravitate toward what is known — even if the extent of that is just a recognizable name. Name recognition, all by itself, has a lot of pull because it carries with it the meaning an individual assigns it. As a leader, you want to make sure what’s assigned to your organization’s name is positive and accurate. But, without a dedicated communications/public relations person, much less of team of them, how does a nonprofit’s name and message get out there? Joan Garry offers her thoughts on the powers of the press, as well as how to best work with them, in her article, “How to Get Great Press Coverage For Your Nonprofit.”

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Reengage Your Employees

Reengage Your Employees

Of course, there are many factors contributing employee dissatisfaction or even deciding to leave a position. Some of those reasons are out of an employer’s control, but, sometimes, an employee leaves for reasons that could have been addressed or avoided with a boss’s proactive mindset. Chester Elton and Adrian Gostick offer ways employers can make powerful, positive impacts on their employees in their article, “How to Get Disengaged Employees to Re-engage.”

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Rethinking Barriers To Recruitment and Retention

Rethinking Barriers To Recruitment and Retention

Of course, nonprofits do not tend to have the capital to compete with for-profits in recruiting and retaining employees, but there is still much that can be gleaned from the strategies used in the corporate world.

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Time Between Jobs: How To Use It and Explain It

Time Between Jobs: How To Use It and Explain It

Among the many fears faced when looking for a job is how to best sell oneself to a potential employer. If you’ve been out of work for any period of time, for any reason, this fear can be exacerbated.

By and large, though, gone are the days of shame or embarrassment for having been out of work; that particular challenge has been lessened if not lifted from the employers’ end. The challenge has been replaced, though, with working to justify what you have been doing with that time.

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