Self-evaluation and the Startup Business: What’s the Connection?

Self-evaluation and the Startup Business: What’s the Connection?

Entering into a new business venture can be a lot like starting a new relationship: both endeavors are exciting and often romanticized beyond reality. Aspiring entrepreneurs may have dreams of innovation beyond the nine-to-five workplace, but, before jumping into a startup, self-evaluation is key. One has to know oneself before starting a business from the ground up, otherwise, it’s easy to overestimate what can be accomplished. Plans for what to achieve may not be as easy as thought or even possible.

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Reference Check

Reference Check

Question: Our company is about to hire a new COO who will manage the whole finance department. We want to be very sure she has strong interpersonal and technical skills. We have spoken to all of her listed references, and, while they have been off the charts, I want to be absolutely certain we cover our basis. What do you suggest?

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Lonely at the Top

Lonely at the Top

Question: I am at the top of my game having just been promoted into the CEO role at a major corporation. Yet, I am feeling strangely dissatisfied and lonely despite my professional accolades. It seems as if I attend meeting after meeting and as if I am not connecting with my staff. Am I missing some important clues?

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