For young people in the United States, finding a career path after college can be exciting, daunting, and frightening. For one, it bears with it the question of whether all the time and money spent on education was worthwhile. Additionally, many young people feel that...
Leadership Transition: Tips From The Children’s Partnership
In 1993 Wendy Lazarus and Laurie Lipper co-founded The Children’s Partnership nonprofit organization, and they served as co-presidents until 2015, when they turned the leadership over to Mayra E. Alvarez (Koenig). The process of transitioning between leaders in a...
Functional vs Chronological: Which Resume Format is Best?
The purpose of a resume is to land an interview. Nothing more, nothing less. It need not exclaim to tell a potential employer why they must hire you this instant, but rather, get your foot in the door to tell that story yourself.
Best practices for Checking References
In Karen Alphonse’s four-part article series, she addresses the various aspects of hiring and recruiting in the higher levels of the nonprofit sector. In her third part of the series, “References: How to Get Great Input, Part Three” she addresses the best way to...
Coping With Leadership Turnover
One pertinent challenge facing nonprofit organizations today is leadership turnover, as described in the article The Nonprofit Leadership Development Strategy, from the Stanford Social Innovation Review. A significant number of nonprofit executives and managers have...
An Altruistic Shift: Transitioning from Business to Nonprofit Management
A trend has been taking place in the world of business, with consequences for the way nonprofit organizations recruit and grow. According to David E. Edell’s article ‘Transitioning From Business to the Nonprofit Sector’, an increasing number of working business professionals are moving or considering moving into the nonprofit sector,
New Year and Career Checklist for Success
No matter how senior you are in your organization or how secure you believe is your position, you would do well to take an entrepreneurial attitude toward your career. It is comforting to believe others will take care of you, and it's easy to become either complacent...
Leadership Challenges in the Non-Profit Workplace
When we hear the word “leadership”, a few notions often come to mind. We may associate the word with the words “inspiration” and “motivation”, a pair of married concepts, movers and shakers in the forward march which is essential to any advancement—social, personal,...