An Altruistic Shift: Transitioning from Business to Nonprofit Management

An Altruistic Shift: Transitioning from Business to Nonprofit Management

A trend has been taking place in the world of business, with consequences for the way nonprofit organizations recruit and grow. According to David E. Edell’s article ‘Transitioning From Business to the Nonprofit Sector’, an increasing number of working business professionals are moving or considering moving into the nonprofit sector,

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Is your networking not working? Stop and reassess!

Is your networking not working? Stop and reassess!

At its best, networking is about having an influential group of people respect you and your work such that they are willing and pleased to make referrals on your behalf. Coming across as desperate, over-eager or focused to the exclusion of building genuine ties sends a mixed message of desperation and self-absorption. This is not a great selling point.

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Pain Letter: Rethinking the Cover Letter Approach

Pain Letter: Rethinking the Cover Letter Approach

There are a handful of reasons people justify not creating a cover letter to include with their resumes. A popular theory is that the cover letter isn’t read anyway. I recently read where almost half of those hiring don’t read them. But, that tells me that almost half of those hiring do. Not one to take a big gamble while applying for my dream job, I’m not taking the risk of not including one. Besides, if it’s a required document for application, then you’re on the hook for providing one. Like it or not.

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The Language Of Great Leaders

The Language Of Great Leaders

Stop and think about those whom you consider “great leaders.” What makes them so? Are they the ones who know all of the ins and outs of an operation and could move mountains by themselves if need be? You know as well as I that the definition of a great leader is quite...

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