Get the Job Paying Attention To Detail, Part 2

Get the Job Paying Attention To Detail, Part 2

Larry Slesinger, author of “Why Qualified Candidates Don’t Always Get the Best Jobs,” acknowledges a number of factors come into play as to why a qualified applicant doesn’t land a particular job including having too much or too little experience or that his or her experience is good but not quite the right fit in that organization. Those are aspects over which an applicant has little or no control. However, there are other areas a job seeker can completely control and to which specific attention should be given to make a strong, positive mark during the interview process.

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Get the Job Paying Attention To Detail, Part 1

Get the Job Paying Attention To Detail, Part 1

With so much going for you, the last thing you want to do is overlook a detail or make a professional faux pas that takes you out of the running. Larry Slesinger’s article, “Why Qualified Candidates Don’t Always Get the Best Jobs” outlines some particulars of the job search process worthy of attention so you don’t end up eliminating yourself.

This week’s topics are with regard to the application process. It is at this stage where attention to detail is crucial so you stand out amidst the many applicants. Slesinger refers to the following list as the reasons why a qualified candidate can end up “dead on arrival.”

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Creating and Utilizing a Strong Reference List

Creating and Utilizing a Strong Reference List

Of course, there are some do’s and don’ts for both the creation and utilization of your references. Lindsay Olson’s article, “10 Common (and Corrosive) Job Reference Mistakes” provides key considerations. Olson suggests aiming to compile of list of three to five people. After identifying those whom you’d like in that role, consider the following guidelines.

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Conquering Your Job Search Fears

Conquering Your Job Search Fears

As an adult, it’s often difficult to identify, much less admit to having, a fear. And, it’s even more difficult to see how it might sabotaging your efforts including those involving your job search. The fact is, though, many people wrestle with all kinds of fears when in search of a new job. I’ve highlighted some of the common job hunting fears Marty Nemko identified in his article, “Overcoming Fear of Looking for a Job.” Take a look to see if you can relate to any (or all) of them, then consider the suggestions as to how to reframe such fears to get them out of your way.

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The Phone Interview: Getting One Step Closer To Landing That Job

The Phone Interview: Getting One Step Closer To Landing That Job

It may be because the first interaction is truly a screening interview, or it may be because time and/or logistics prevent an in-person interview from being plausible. No matter the reason, oftentimes, first interviews are conducted over the phone. And, even though you won’t be leaving your home for the discussion, you will still be making your first impression. This point of contact is just as important as any other step in the interview process, so, intentional preparation is prudent. Judith Stock’s article, “6 Steps To Nailing A Job Interview … Over The Phone” offers some great guidance to get you ready.

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What It Takes To Be a Great Leader

What It Takes To Be a Great Leader

Often, the vision of what it means to be in charge and the reality of it are often very different. The skewed vision is probably ingrained from childhood where, as children, we couldn’t wait to grow up and no longer be told what to do. This ideal is further perpetuated when we are entry-level employees looking up the hierarchy just knowing there will be a day where we’re in charge and won’t have to account for ourselves or answer to anyone. We don’t just know it; we can’t wait for it!

And, then, we grow enough to finally have the years and experience it takes to land a position of authority and be in charge of others. It is then that we have choices to make regarding how we interact with, or manage, others because it is also here that we find effective management is not a one-size-fits-all, “Because I said so” proposition.

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Get the Job By Paying Attention To Details

Get the Job By Paying Attention To Details

Breaking the (job search) process down into actionable items not only makes the process feel more manageable, but it keeps you from getting lost in your own thoughts. In his article “11 Reasons You Didn’t Get the Job,” Aaron Gouveia offers a list of top reasons someone may remain unemployed. I turned them around from “don’t do these things” to “do these things well” during your search to create a positive list of action items. They are sure to help keep you focused through some often overlooked details and considerations

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