by Karen Alphonse | Apr 10, 2012 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers, Management, Recruiters
Q: Are cover letters useful? I hear employers are not reading them anymore. A: We are in a new world of employment, and protocols are evolving. In the past, employers relied on cover letters as both a screening device and as a way to decide whether an applicant...
by Karen Alphonse | Apr 3, 2012 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers
Q: Should I include graduation dates and dates for all of my diplomas on my resume? A recruiter told me to get rid of them because they “date” me. What do you think? A: The sad truth is when dates are left off the resume, the reviewer is likely to draw...
by Karen Alphonse | Mar 27, 2012 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers, Management, Recruiters
Q: As a recruiter, what do you look for in a leader? What signs indicate leadership? A: Sometimes, it is difficult to quantify the traits comprising successful leadership. The obvious traits include: effective communication of a vision to others; the ability to...
by Karen Alphonse | Mar 20, 2012 | Advice, Featured, Management, Recruiters
Q: What should be included in an Executive Director job description? A: The position description for a nonprofit Executive Director should include language addressing core competencies and other operational skills. For many organizations, these include: Passion for...
by Karen Alphonse | Mar 13, 2012 | Advice, Featured, Management
Q: What leadership qualities are sought in a nonprofit Executive Director? A: The obvious leadership qualities of a nonprofit Executive Director include: vision; passion for the mission; strategic planning ability; financial management skills (budgeting,...
by Karen Alphonse | Mar 6, 2012 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers
Have you ever wondered why it takes several days to get around to revising your resume or why you spend hours agonizing over each bullet? I do, too. After many years of working in the recruitment field with countless candidates, I still ponder, perseverate, and,...
by Karen Alphonse | Feb 27, 2012 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers
Q: I have been Senior Accountant and Chief Financial Officer at two organizations. I just saw a posting for an Assistant Comptroller (less responsible) role at a well-respected nonprofit in DC. The salary in the new role is comparable to my current salary. Should...
by Karen Alphonse | Feb 21, 2012 | Uncategorized
Your trusted Chief Operations Officer has taken a dream job at an international organization, and your local not-for-profit needs to rehire someone to take her place. What steps can you take to create a space for her successor? How do you draft the position...
by Karen Alphonse | Feb 6, 2012 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers
This series covered all aspects of the reference process. Part One covered working with references as they relate to the candidate. Part Two focused on engaging with the references themselves, and Part Three put the ideas into practice through the reference check...
by Karen Alphonse | Jan 23, 2012 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers
In parts One and Two of this four-part series, I outlined the “homework” required to best prepare yourself, a candidate and a reference for a formal reference interview. In this entry, details of the actual process, from questions to ask to delivering the results, are...
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