by Karen Alphonse | Jul 28, 2010 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers
Last week, a client contacted me with the question, “How should I update my resume to meet this market?” I quickly realized that talking about updating the resume is just the beginning of the story because when seeking a new position, it’s not just about the resume...
by Fredia Woolf | Jul 2, 2010 | Advice, Featured, Management
Giving, gathering and receiving feedback is on my mind this week as I have conducted thirty six interviews with managers, peers and direct reports of six of my executive coaching clients, five of whom are ending a six month program and one of whom is at the start of...
by Jessica Holbrook | Jun 28, 2010 | Advice, Job Seekers
How many of you can honestly say you know exactly what you want to be when you grow up? Maybe you already have it figured out, and maybe you are already living and working it. If so, does your resume know? Every day, I work with clients, and every week, I speak to...
by Jessica Holbrook | Jun 25, 2010 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers
At times, navigating the waters of career advice is murky. Everyone has an opinion about what you should or shouldn’t do and what you should or shouldn’t write. Have you read every article on resume writing or submitted your resume for free evaluations...
by Fredia Woolf | Jun 25, 2010 | Advice, Job Seekers, Management
Search firms are useful job market intermediaries. They are used as brokerage firms and clearing houses between organizations and individuals. The experience and expertise of professionals in these firms in finding, filtering and evaluating candidates can be extremely...
by Fredia Woolf | Jun 10, 2010 | Advice
At times, organizational life by virtue of its structure has the capacity to stamp out the human spirit. It can shut down the spark of creativity, cramp boldness and individuality and perpetuate mediocrity. The result is a pitiful waste of human potential. Careers...
by Fredia Woolf | Jun 4, 2010 | Advice, Management
Your career is a solitary journey, and leadership is a lonely business, so when you have the opportunity to work in a team or serve on a board, it can be an energizing and fulfilling experience. Though, it often isn’t. So what makes for a great experience and...
by Fredia Woolf | May 28, 2010 | Advice, Job Seekers
The job search is over! You have an offer in hand, and you are the bees’ knees! They chose you above everyone else, so you must be really good. Was it your perfect resume, your flawless networking or your stellar interviewing skills? It was probably all three as...
by Fredia Woolf | May 21, 2010 | Advice, Featured
Last week, I facilitated a meeting between senior leaders of industry and a professional association to explore the topic of collaboration. For the session, I defined successful collaboration as knowing how to respect personal boundaries and how to break down...
by Fredia Woolf | May 14, 2010 | Advice, Job Seekers
Is there a connection between the oil spill seeping inexorably across the Gulf of Mexico and the wild gyrations of the stock market last week? I think there is. For me, the link is that we human beings have a dangerous tendency to over-reach ourselves only to suffer...
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