by Karen Alphonse | Mar 8, 2010 | Advice, Job Seekers
Employees often have many salary-related questions. What is the most tactful way to broach this sensitive issue? When is it appropriate to raise questions about salary? What do you say? How can you prepare to answer questions about your compensation requirements?...
by Fredia Woolf | Feb 24, 2010 | Advice, Job Seekers, News
Tania Jones’ job search lasted ten months, one week and five days. She counted each one of them. Unexpectedly laid off in the depths of the 2009 job slump, she was diligent and proactive in sending out her resume and seeking out contacts and opportunities. But,...
by Fredia Woolf | Feb 10, 2010 | Advice, Job Seekers, Recruiters
What do John Thain (former Wall Street golden boy) and Toyota have in common? Both have known fame and fortune, and both found themselves in trouble when the wheel of fate turned. This week, Mr. Thain landed a fancy new job after a year of unemployment, and we await...
by Fredia Woolf | Feb 3, 2010 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers, Recruiters
A critical differentiator between you and other equally qualified candidates competing for the same job is what people say about you. These days, employers are taking more time doing background checks on people because the risk of hiring someone “blind” is just too...
by Fredia Woolf | Jan 26, 2010 | Advice, Job Seekers
What is the current picture of the career marketplace? Some statistics are downright dispiriting. For example, the US Labor Department reports 7.2 million jobs lost in the US economy from December 2007 to December 2009, and a recent study shows that two thirds of...
by Fredia Woolf | Jan 12, 2010 | Advice, Job Seekers, Uncategorized
The movie Invictus has some powerful messages for aspiring leaders and job-seekers alike. Based on a true story about Nelson Mandela engaging the South African rugby team to unite people in his fledgling “rainbow” nation after the fall of apartheid, the movie can...
by Fredia Woolf | Jan 5, 2010 | Advice, Job Seekers
Our friend Nicholas is back from the holidays. He was determined to restart his job search with vigor and focus. But as so often before, this feeling of resolve and optimism has dissolved into sporadic activity and apathy. So, what should Nicholas do to get his job...
by Fredia Woolf | Dec 29, 2009 | Advice, Job Seekers
As a new year beckons, it’s time for new hopes and resolutions, and it’s time to let the struggles and disappointments of the old year just float away. If you are seeking a new job, it is time to hatch your campaign plans and try new approaches with a...
by Fredia Woolf | Dec 22, 2009 | Advice, Recruiters
It’s been a long, hard year, and you are ready for some down time during the holidays. But, before you go, take a little time for reflection about what kind of leader you have been this past year. This is a tongue in cheek list of Leadership Don’ts – ways...
by F. Jay Hall | Dec 17, 2009 | Job Seekers
Would you go to an interview dressed in shorts and flip flops? I certainly hope not. If you would, seriously… STOP. My point is this: Because you concern yourself about your first impression at an interview, you wear the suit or the nice professional career clothes,...
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