

During the past several months, clients have approached us asking how to manage a stalled application process.  Silence is unnerving for highly motivated executives with the kinds of backgrounds that would have guaranteed a quick hire just a couple of years ago.  The...

Navigating the Secret Job Search

As tough as the job market is, there are some people with secure jobs who are still wanting to change their present situations. Whether you’re unhappy with your present situation or simply looking for a more fulfilling opportunity, it’s in your best...

Understanding Why You Didn’t Get Hired

Sometimes it happens: That which seems too good to be true really is. Your job search is no different, and understanding its outcome is important. I’ve applied for positions for which I thought I was perfect, but, for whatever reason, I got passed by, and the...

Back to Basics Guide for Nonprofit Recruiters

Today’s economy has flooded the labor pool creating more of a labor ocean; there are more people available to work than there are available jobs.  On a very basic level, this means recruiters are inundated with applicants all vying for a handful of opportunities. The...

Relax! You’re Just Talking

Often when you’re in an interview, the pressure is on to perform. Unfortunately, in your excitement to sell yourself, you can forget to be human. Salespeople will tell you that in order to close the deal, stop focusing on the sale at the end, and start paying...