On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee

On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee
So, you are finding yourself either in an unhappy environment, have accepted a ‘buy out’, or maybe like so many, find yourself collecting unemployment? Colleagues and friends often ask me about how to improve and enhance a job search. In the past, you may have simply applied to positions in your field and gotten multiple offers. This time is different. Erase all the job-seeking lessons you learned from your past. Today is new and we are now in uncharted waters. So, what can you do to amp up your game? Are you ready to jump-start your job search?
There are a handful of reasons people justify not creating a cover letter to include with their resumes. A popular theory is that the cover letter isn’t read anyway. I recently read where almost half of those hiring don’t read them. But, that tells me that almost half of those hiring do. Not one to take a big gamble while applying for my dream job, I’m not taking the risk of not including one. Besides, if it’s a required document for application, then you’re on the hook for providing one. Like it or not.
Question: I am applying for C-Suite position with a company. The position description requires a “thoughtful” cover letter. What does this mean? How do I draft one?
One attribute I find to be a great indicator of success is the candidate who doesn’t solely focus on those skills and attributes that can be objectively measured. It’s the candidate that communicates energy, excitement about the mission and a sense of commitment to the cause who catches this recruiter’s attention.
Q: I keep submitting cover letters for positions suiting my background and experience, but, I keep getting rejections. Do you think something is wrong with the way I draft my letters? I try to list every bit of experience that might be of interest to a prospective employer, and I like to list my accomplishments in chronological order. Could this be a mistake? What am I missing here?
Q: I just had my resume professionally reviewed, and my coach suggested I include a line stating, “Willing to relocate.” Do you agree with this advice? How would you respond to a resume with this information?
Q: I submitted a resume and cover letter for an Executive Director position in July. The organization starts interviews in November. I just redrafted my cover letter based on additional information I have learned in the interim. What should I do? Do I submit a second cover letter? Will this help or hurt my application/chances?