Serving as the leader in a nonprofit is a rewarding role, and many nonprofit executives choose to remain in their role for years. However, whether through planned retirement or through unexpected changes in the organization, every executive role will eventually need...
Continuing Education Can Keep You Employed In Tough Economic Times
There's definitely something to be said for having a good education. After all, you wouldn't have gotten where you are if you hadn't obtained your degree right? So why stop there? If there's anything the current economy has taught us, it's that good paying jobs are...
A New Model For Your Job Search – Part 4: Relationships
We have seen how by focusing on keeping yourself Resilient and by creating a Resume that markets your accomplishments, you are creating the conditions for achieving a successful Result in your job search. Today, we will look at another critical Re in the equation: Relationships.
What Happens When You’re Overqualified
When job hunting, being overqualified is not usually a question. Being UNDER qualified tends to be the concern. Still, from time to time, we find ourselves in the position where we are overqualified for a position. This once happened to me , so when I applied for the...
When Giving Back Can Get You Ahead
A recent new article sparked a thought in me that I've always believed to be true: Volunteering not only opens the doors for the people you help, but it can open doors for you as well. The article, located at, reports that volunteering is turning in to a...
A Tight Economy Calls for Creative Job Search Measures
If you're looking for a job right now, join the club. Whether you're returning to work or you are one of the millions of people out of work, the jobs are few and far between. That doesn't mean that the jobs aren't out there though. What that means for you is that...