Lauren Danziger serves as the Executive Director of the Meatpacking Improvement District, a nonprofit serving the historical Meatpacking District neighborhood in Manhattan. This role supports the financial development of the neighborhood through the management of...
What the Hiring Managers Want in a Job Applicant
As job seekers, we all know what we want in a job; what our perfect job would look like, right? Well, recruiters and hiring managers know what they like and don't like in a job seeker. Just as job seekers have thoughts about what makes a job or career...
A New Model For Your Job Search – Part 4: Relationships
We have seen how by focusing on keeping yourself Resilient and by creating a Resume that markets your accomplishments, you are creating the conditions for achieving a successful Result in your job search. Today, we will look at another critical Re in the equation: Relationships.
A New Model for your Job Search – Part 2: Resumé
Last time, we talked about refocusing your job search energies from the Result, which is beyond your control, to the other four “Re’s” that you can do something about. Today let’s look at the first “Re”, your resumé.
Navigating the Secret Job Search
As tough as the job market is, there are some people with secure jobs who are still wanting to change their present situations. Whether you're unhappy with your present situation or simply looking for a more fulfilling opportunity, it's in your best interest to keep...
Can You Save Your Next Employer Money?
Today’s economic situation requires employers to run their organizations a little differently now than from even a year ago if they want to stay afloat. According to a recent news article, fundraising, accounting, and finance positions are much sought after by skilled job seekers right now.
5 Things Your Resume Can Do Without
While you want to cover all the points above in your resume and cover letter, you don’t want to go overboard. TMI (too much information) is never good for anyone, and the job hunt is NO exception. Prevent yourself from getting looked over or tossed out for providing information that isn’t necessary.