Active Listening Is a Major Key To Career Success

Active Listening Is a Major Key To Career Success

No matter the role you play during any given moment, your ability to listen to those around you tends to be a huge key to success in the relationship. Your ability to engage in listening – yes, engage in listening – is often determinant of a good outcome in any exchange. This skill is no less important in the workplace whether you are the employee or the CEO than it is in any other affiliation. And, in all cases, you want to do your best. To that end, take a look at the common mistakes people make while listening according to Alison Davis, and then consider how to avoid them.

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Job Interviewing Skills Beyond the Q & A

Job Interviewing Skills Beyond the Q & A

You’ve conquered the initial phases of the job search, and you have been contacted for an interview! You already know how important it is to present your skills and abilities in ways that directly connect to the position at hand. But, you also know an interview is more than a question-answer session about your specific experiences. This meeting, or series of meetings, is much more comprehensive than a Q & A, so let’s take a look at important areas of focus identified by Nicole Fallon Taylor in her article, “5 Interview Skills That Will Get You Hired,” to help best prepare you for what’s to come.

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Vetting the Prospective Supervisor During a Job Interview

Vetting the Prospective Supervisor During a Job Interview

As job seekers, evaluating the potential boss does not always make the short list of considerations. When you need a job or are very desperate to leave the one you are in, you don’t always see the many variables needing your honest evaluation. I’ve certainly since learned that no matter the reason for the job search, the relationship with the potential supervisor is one to closely examine to determine if you are on a mutual foundation.

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Q&A: Preparing For a Phone Interview

Q&A: Preparing For a Phone Interview

Have a trusted colleague hold a non-interview conversation with you, and let him or her give you feedback on your tone, pauses and vocabulary. This is the kind of input you need in order to best pace yourself and to modify your usual way of speaking just enough to make you appear even more self-assured, confident and knowledgeable than you do in casual conversation.

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Weathering a Bad Reference

When hunting for a new job, your references often have the big say as to whether or not you get the job. While hiring managers don't necessarily take the word of a former employer as gospel, what a former employer says may carry weight in regard to getting you the job...

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