Are you a nonprofit organization looking to cut costs and increase efficiency?

Are you a nonprofit organization looking to cut costs and increase efficiency?

The benefits of hybrid work models extend beyond financial benefits; this approach also provides greater job satisfaction and improved employee productivity. By allowing workers to choose the hours and locations that suit them best, hybrid models make it easier for employees to manage their personal lives while still making meaningful contributions to an organization’s mission. Additionally, by providing access to virtual platforms such as video conferencing tools, nonprofits can save time and money on travel expenses while still engaging with their employees effectively.

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True diversity demands that we step beyond habitual boundaries and thought-forms.  We need to recognize and act upon the reality that MOST of the world does not think and operate the way “WE” do – whatever your “WE” might mean.  Moreover, the best ideas may not come from “US.”  To step boldly into the future we are creating together, we will have to relinquish the pieces of our framework that no longer serve us.  We will have to repurpose our ideas and truly embrace change.  Deep change. 

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Nonprofits and the Challenge of Coronavirus

Nonprofits and the Challenge of Coronavirus

So, you are finding yourself either in an unhappy environment, have accepted a ‘buy out’, or maybe like so many, find yourself collecting unemployment? Colleagues and friends often ask me about how to improve and enhance a job search. In the past, you may have simply applied to positions in your field and gotten multiple offers. This time is different. Erase all the job-seeking lessons you learned from your past. Today is new and we are now in uncharted waters. So, what can you do to amp up your game? Are you ready to jump-start your job search?

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The Language Of Great Leaders

The Language Of Great Leaders

Stop and think about those whom you consider “great leaders.” What makes them so? Are they the ones who know all of the ins and outs of an operation and could move mountains by themselves if need be? You know as well as I that the definition of a great leader is quite...

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How the Great Leaders Truly Inspire Their Teams

How the Great Leaders Truly Inspire Their Teams

Both my husband and I have had the privilege of working for supervisors who are known, by name and deed, around the country. The crazy part of these experiences is that neither of us was aware of the widespread prestige of these people until after working for them for a while. It was an interesting evolution of realization into their greatness as we were drawn to the fields through our own interests, and we educated ourselves in ways that positioned us to pursue vital careers. Then, once in the doors, there was so much attention given to us and what we had to offer our respective teams that the status of our leaders wasn’t even “a thing.”

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