by Karen Alphonse | Feb 18, 2011 | Advice, Featured, Management, Recruiters
Making a good hire depends, in part, on having positive interview experiences with your preferred candidates. Sometimes, employers underestimate the impact of a well-planned interview/interview process. Remember that outstanding leaders will remember your interview...
by Carmel Napolitano | Feb 10, 2011 | Featured, Management
Diversity in the workplace goes in and out as a hot topic. When economic times are not so great, the topic seems to take a backburner to the more pressing issue of the lack of job security for all of us. In early September, the Chronicle of Philanthropy devoted a...
by Sandra Sims | Feb 1, 2011 | Featured, Job Seekers, News
If you’ve been working in the nonprofit sector for any length of time, you probably have your share of opinions about what it’s like to work for a nonprofit. It can be a joy, rewarding in many ways. At other times, it can be just as stressful as any...
by Carmel Napolitano | Jan 26, 2011 | Advice, Featured, Recruiters
Often, new clients relay horror stories about how a hire did not work out. And, time after time, they reveal they never checked references. (What??!!) So, to help avoid some predictable problems, here are my suggested “Rules of Reference” for hiring: Request at least...
by Fredia Woolf | Jan 25, 2011 | Advice, Job Seekers
“I am not blessed with patience,” said Kevin when he stepped into my office. He had been laid off from a Vice-president’s position seven weeks ago, and he was feeling restless, scattered and out of control. At the end of our time together, he was calmer, more...
by Fredia Woolf | Jan 18, 2011 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers, Management
In my last post, I said I was going to start the year by walking you through five critical elements to master if you want to advance your career. They are the following: 1. Organize, synthesize and crystallize your accomplishments and the key themes of your career. 2....
by F. Jay Hall | Jan 9, 2011 | Featured
Chief of International Operations , Room to Read, San Francisco, CA #nonprofit #jobs # Executive Director, Texas Accoutants and Lawyers for the Arts, Houston, TX #nonprofit #jobs # Senior Development Officer, Major Gifts-...
by Fredia Woolf | Jan 7, 2011 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers, Management
The New Year is always filled with tips for a fresh start for your career. But, what if you are not in the mood for all of the wholesome advice coming your way at this time of year? What if you are fed up with your situation, but an artificial date is no reason to...
by Carmel Napolitano | Jan 3, 2011 | Featured, Job Seekers
Many of us make New Year’s resolutions to kick start a job search or to commit to self-reflection about what direction our career it taking. Who isn’t trying to figure out what to do with their lives? To untangle our own thoughts, it can be useful to look no further...
by Fredia Woolf | Dec 24, 2010 | Advice, Featured, Job Seekers, Management
No matter how senior you are in your organization or how secure you believe is your position, you would do well to take an entrepreneurial attitude toward your career. It is comforting to believe others will take care of you, and it’s easy to become either...
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