Management Training – Should a Donor Decide?

There’s a wide range of ideas – if not controversy — about whether it is in the realm of a funder to get involved in the day-to-day management goings on at a grantee.

While many nonprofits (and, for that matter, for-profit businesses) would benefit from some management guidance, is it something that should be required for funding?

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Money Talks – Salary Expectations for Nonprofit Professionals

During the past 30 years, the nonprofit world has grown tremendously, and it is now also considered a much more “glamorous” career path than when I began in it. I, along with many others, just “fell” into it. Now, it is more of a chosen and planned career path, and the sector is attracting more people who have put thought and study into ideas, philosophies and missions through post-graduate programs in nonprofit and public sector studies.

But, I, and many hiring and recruiting professionals, feel the interest explosion and rapid onset of attraction to the sector has also given people an unrealistic expectation about the compensation to expect within it.

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