
Seven Reasons For Working With a Coach

Readers of this blog probably fall into one of the following categories: –       you are actively looking for a new position –       you are considering the next stage of your career –       you are looking to hire someone for your organization...

The Science of Happiness

I have had the happy fortune in the last few weeks to attend talks by two of the leading “Happiness Gurus”, Doctor Barbara Fredrickson at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Doctor Tal Ben-Shahar, who has taught one of the most popular classes at...

What Happens When You Hit a Career White-Out?

Renee was the consummate professional.  For ten years, her career was the model of upward mobility.  Yes, she had had a slow start, but after her first couple of jobs trying things out, she accepted an entry-level position and soon hit her stride.  She was eager to...

Twitter updates from the past week

Executive Director, Brooklyn Public Library, Brookyln, NY #NYC #jobs #nonprofit # Dean Central Michigan University Mt Pleasant, MI #academic #highered #jobs # Director of Development, NY Regional Office American Committee for...